
  1. Copy the Overture Parquet dataset to your local machine to overture dir: Use these docs. You don’t need Microsoft Synapse or AWS Athena.
  2. Install DuckDB and run this script: ```sql LOAD spatial;

COPY ( SELECT json_extract_string(names, ‘$.common[0].value’) as name, json_extract_string(categories, ‘$.main’) as category_main, round(confidence,2) as confidence, st_geomfromwkb(geometry) from read_parquet(‘overture/theme=places/type=place/*’)) TO ‘places.geojsonseq’ WITH (FORMAT gdal, DRIVER ‘geojsonseq’);

3. Feed the `geojsonseq` into [felt/tippecanoe](https://github.com/felt/tippecanoe):

tippecanoe -o overture-pois.pmtiles places.geojsonseq --force --read-parallel  -j '{ "*": [ "attribute-filter", "name", [ ">=", "$zoom", 9 ] ] }' -l pois -rg --drop-densest-as-needed

Bob’s your uncle!